Last weekend in Miami

This will be my last weekend in Miami for a long time. On Sunday I will fly to Stavanger in Norway and do the offshore safety course and get my certificate for that one. Then after that I will fly out on the oil field and make a inspection on the drilling rig we will work on...

Then it is off to Haugesund and prepare for the Supervisor meeting the 13th and then the big job starts the 17th

I`ll be back


Just woke up,, it is 32 degreese outside... Hmm today I will do little more then nothing,, only 2 weeks left until I have to go on my next contract in Norway and work.. I have not been in a winter for 5 yearsso I think I will freeze to death....

Will meet up Pernilla soon and have lunch and then relax by the poo..


Yes Friday today.... Hmm don`t have any plans.. Will go train back later today and then I think I will go to the movies...
Yesterday was nice at the gym, did my cardio together with my friend Martin.. Nice name btw. And it is hard to not have motivation when a guy that looks like this is sitting next to you ...


Like if this day couldn´t be any worse. When I got out from the gym after a very good leg workout, I had a flat tire... FUCK:::::::::: now I have to go change t.. I just want to go to sleep and wake up tomorrow....

Crap Day

It started yesterday night. I was planing to be a good boy and go to bed around 10 pm cause I was suppose to go uo 6,60 and do my morning cardio. What happend, I could not sleep. Was lying looking in the ceiling all nght. Think I slept maximum 1 hour. Had to go up at 7 and go to work....

Lasted until noon then I had to go home and take a nap.. NOw 4 hours later I feel better and is tryng to find motivation to o Legs at the gym today... Making some food now and then I will fell goodagain I hope.. And tonght I have a special plan to go sleep that I know will work..

See ya later


So Chest and calves today. I felt like an old lady but after 2 weeks vaccation and party maybe it is not so strange I felt the way I did...
Well no more party only training now in my head....

See ya later

Back IN Sweden

I am back in Sweden now for 3-4 weeks, have some stuff I need to do at our office here. Went to Exhale and bought a gym card today. The only good thing of beeing here in Sweden is that I have a routine and a 8 - 16 schedule now when I am at the office. So here is my new training schedule for this month when I am back in Sweden.

Will have to change it when I go out traveling again.
Will do Legs 2 times a week as this is my weakest body part.

                     Morning                         Afternoon
Mon             Cardio 45 min             Chest + calves Cardio 30 min
Tus              Cardio 45 min             Legs + abs Cardio 30 min
Wed            Rest                               Shoulders Cardio 30 min
Thu             Cardio 45 min              Arms + absCardio 30 min
Fri                Cardio 45 min             Back Cardio 30 min
Sat               Rest                               Legs
Sun              Rest                              Rest


So back in Venice again.... Last year I was here 25 times I think... After walking all these small streets over and over I think I just wil stay on the ship these 3 days...

But the sail in is nice...

New Boat

I am Trieste today, on the most north east part of Italy.
I saw my new boat, I am thinking of buying this for Christmas, so now I only need to get the 100 million dollars it costs :)

Anyone can spare a sollar :)

Dubrovnik Croatia

So Dubrovnik today.. This is one of my favourit places....
Soo nice..

Grzegorz diving


Yesterday we were in Kotor in Montenegro,,, never been there before.. Very nice place we had lunch in the old town and then a few beers in the sun... Good day...


It is 2,30 am here.. Can't sleep have to be up at 7,30... At least the Stanley Cup is on .. Detroit against Pittsburg. Game 6...

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

Sunshine State

And I thought I was living in the sunshine.
Easy to drive when the weather is like this

No Pain No Gain

Good things happen when you train and not party..
At least my shoulders and arms are getting the right size now.. 47 cm around biceps today..
3 more weeks then a diet..

Bermuda Triangle

Now it is 30 hours since we left Miami on our way to Bermuda.. So right now we are in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle where so many ships and plans have disapeard.

So if you don't here from me again.. You all know why :)

Back Home

Today we came to Miami and it was so nice to get back to my apartment..... The bad thing was that I had to leave so soon. But 2 more days and then I will fly home from Bermuda.....

Had a nice lunch at Ocean drive with my friend.....

Now gym time....

View from my balcony....

Gym Time

I think I have change my mind if you would have asked me one year ago I would have said that the best thing with this boat was the parties. Now it is the gym.

I love this little crew gym here. And I try to go every day... or at least 6 days a week..

And the thing is you feel so much better in the morning when you been to the gym instead of a party..
Here are some pictures from yesterday..

Day Off

So yesterday I gave my guys a day off as it was the last island we are in the Carabeean before the ship sails over the Atlantic to the Mediterainian..

It was a fun day with lots of sun and beer.... But maybe next time I will use sun screen so I don't have to look like a lobster as I do today :)

The ship is a long way down...

Rafal, Christian and Ed

Planing to get drunk ?? Think about this....


I have to write this in Swedish


Första stadiet ? SMART

Fyllans första stadium utmärker sig genom att du plötsligt har blivit en expert på
Allt som finns i detta universum. Du vet att du vet allting och du vill förmedla all
Din kunskap till vem som helst som kan tänkas
Lyssna. I detta stadium har du alltid rätt, varpå personen som lyssnar alltid har fel.
Detta borgar för en väldigt intressant konversation när båda parter befinner sig i
Första stadiet av fyllan.

Andra stadiet ? SNYGG

Andra stadiet börjar med att du inser att du är den snyggaste personen i hela baren
och alla andra tycker om dig. Du kan gå fram till vilken främling som helst ty de
älskar dig och vill gärna prata med dig. Kom håg att du fortfarande är smart och
kan diskutera vilket ämne som helst med lätthet.

Tredje stadiet ? RIK

Plötsligt så har du blivit den rikaste personen i hela världen. Du kan bjuda samtliga barbesökare på drinkar och öl för du har en pansarbil full med pengar som är
parkerad bakom baren. Du kan också slå vad i detta stadiet, och eftersom du
fortfarande är väldigt smart så kommer du vinna alla vad också. Det spelar ingen
roll hur mycket du satsar för du har ju så mycket pengar.

Fjärde stadiet ? ODÖDLIG

Du är nu redo att mucka gräl med någon och alla, speciellt de som du har diskuterat
med eller slagit vad med. Orsaken till att mucka gräl så bekymmerslöst är att du är
odödlig, inget kan skada dig. I det
Här stadiet kan du också gå fram till de äkta män vars fruar du vet älskar dig
(eftersom du är så snygg, rik och smart), och utmana dem i en omgång
boxning. Du är inte ett dugg rädd för att förlora, ty du fortfarande är smart, rik och
du är betydligt mycket snyggare än dem på alla sätt å vis.

Another tour

I just talked to my friend, he got a letter a couple of weeks ago where he was enlisted again and he have to go back to training to go to another tour over seas. This time he will go to Afganistan.

One week vaccation before he will be sent over and I am not in MIami,, Damn. Maybe I should swim to be with my friend before he goes..

Stay safe Major Davis and kick some Taliban as :)

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