
Today we were on one of my 2 favourit islands in the Carabeean. Aruba.. The other one is St Maarten where we will be in 2 days. Only difference is the beer is cheaper in St Maarten so that is a plus..

We were very busy with work today, but at least I had time for one Corona on the beach....

Time to sleep now..

Panama Canal

So today we will leave the pacific ocean and head into the Atlantic ocean thru the Panama canal. This is the 32 time I sail thru here.....

The canal was ready in 1014 and almost  1 000 000 ships has saild thru it since then. The canal is about 80 km long.
The ship that can pass thru here is called Panamax and can be 294,13  meters long and 32,31 meters wide and have a draft of 12,04  meters to be able to pass. Are you bigger you have to go around Cape Horn.

In 1928 a man named Richard Halliburton paid 36 cent in tolls to swim thru the canal. It took him ten days to complete his journey.

These little trains are connected on each side on the ships bow and stern to pull the boat and brake the boat as it is going thru the locks.

Hard Day

So today we are at sea on our way to the Panama canal. More of that tomorrow.. Today was a hard day we had to move 2,4 tons of our material from on place to another. But everything worked out fine and we made it in time...

I just got back from the gym,, today was triceps day and then some cardio....

The good thing is when I leave my cabin in the morning it looks like this...

And when I come back at night it looks like this.. I LIKE !!!!!

New York

So now I am in New York.. Half way.... Sleep all the way almost from Copenhagen so the flight went fast..
Hmm I wonder how many hours I spent on an airplane since I started working like this...
As I am flying 200 - 250 000 miles every year for the last 10 years... To many I quess..

Off I go again

That was it... I am leaving sweden again to go to Costa Rica... So tomorrow I have 18 hours to spend in a airplane seat...

Gothenburg - Copenhagen
Copenhagen - New York
New York - San Juan


So back in Sweden again.. Nice to be here but I only wish I brought a jacket it is so cold here I am freezing mmy as off...

On the plan from San Fransisco to Frankfurt a funny thing happend. I was going to the toilet and when I walk in I see the toilett is full of Graffitti, I was wondering what this is, and when I walked out I saw the same in the other 3 toilets.

When I am walking back to my place I see the guy behind me with a big marker painting his TV and his tray table. This guy had smuggeld a bottle of rum in to the plan and was piss drunk and decided to paint the toilets..


When we landed in Frankfurt noone could get out before the police got on the plane and took him..... Nice to walk up hangover and with a fine on 100 000 $ in your hand.

San Fransico

San Fransisco today, and a nice sail in under the Golden Gate bridge..
Today I will fly to Sweden for a couple of days so I have to pack my bag...


What do I do??

Someone asked me what my work is.

I am a Senior Project Manager for a company that makes repairs and maintenence on cruise ships, cargo vessels and oil rigs all over the world.

So what I do is basicly that when a ship or something breaks down somewhere I fly there see what the problem is, what they need to repair it, how much it will cost etc. Then if they like my idea, I fly my workers out and they do the job either when the ship is in a Dry Dock or when the ship is sailing.

I travel around 250 days a year all over the world and have been to over 80 countries. I have millions of frquent flyer miles and think I am living at airport lounges sometimes. But I love my work and it has taken me to places I would never go if I did not work here.

Before the company was based in Norway but now our Head  office is in Miami thats why I moved there.....

Hope this is to some help...

The End

It all started 104 days ago in Los Angeles and in a couple of days it will come to an end. Another world cruise. Will be nice to fly home for some vaccation.

But only for 7 days then I have to go to Costa Rica, tell you more later.


I just woke up, it is 4,40 in the morning. Went to bed like 22,00 yesterday so now can't sleep any more..

But there is a nice view from my window this morning.

Glacier Bay

Today we sailed in toi Glacier Bay to look at the Glacier there. I have been here many times but it is still pretty amazing to see the Glacier comming down from the mountain..

It is several million years old and reaches 21 miles up the mountain down to the water.

From the water to the top of the glacier it is 80 meters...


Another port in Alaska... Hmm I think the first time you are here everything is amazing , but after beeing in every port in Alaska 25 times I can't wait to get back down to the Carabean and drink Corona on the beach..

2 more weeks....


Yesterday I was in Kodiak, witch is a small island outside the Alaskan main land, it is most famous for it´s Kodiak bear.
It nice to get back to civiilasation again and every port we visit now is getting bigger and bigger. Then even had a McDonalds here.

But the weather is still to cold to make me happy, guess I have to wait another week or so th that to improve.

A Small King Crab

Kodiak Harbour

Then and now

Many years ago.............

Some years later.......... and some more tatoos....

State Trooper

Hmm and i thought the State Trooper was suppose to be on the highway, guess if there is not so many roads you have to buy a boat :)

Dutch Harbour

Today we arrived at Dutch Harbour, after watching alot of episodes of the deadliest catch on Discovery was my expectations high for this little village. The plan was to go of and eat as much king krab I could.

But there was nothing here. One hamburger grill and a mexican resturant, if i go to some remote place in Alaska I don't want to eat a burrito...

I just have to put this port behind me and hope Kodiak Island will be better..

At least I found some crab pods.


What can I say....
My baby needs the best............

Living the same day twice.

Yesterday when I went to bed it was 01.00 the 24 of April, and today when I woke up it was 07.00 the 23 of April. This night we sailed over the date line and we moved 24 hours back in time.

So I have to live this day one more time....

A light in the dark...


Ships Position: Bearings Sea
Speed: 16 Knots
Heading: 085 degrees
Goal: Dutch Harbour
Sea Condition: Moderate
ETA: 56 hours

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