Petropavlovsk The city god forgott.....

Well there is not much to say about this... More then that I am happy I do not live here...
Enought of Russia, back to the states....

Mother Russia

At 6 am today we dropped the anchor outside the city of Petropavlosk who is the main city of Kamchatka Krai in the most eastern part of Russia.

The plan was to go of in the morning but after all the imigration officers (30 of them) came onboard with there stone age bureaucracy and administration I realized this will take some time.

So it was just to change clothes and go down in the engine room for some fun work. Today we rebuilt the fuel system on on of the main enginees. We put in a new pressure regulating valve on the return line from the engine to avoid pressure flucctioation in the fuel system.

So now you know that.

This is how it looked before

This is the new system with the new blue pressure regulating valve in the middle

Winter outside!

So finished work for today......
Nice to come up to my newly cleaned room :)
This is what I see when I look out my window right now.
It looks to cold for me, one reason I left Sweden was because it is to cold.

Where am I ????

Position: North Pacific Ocean
Heading: 032 degrees north
Speed: 17 Knots
Sea Condition: Moderate
ETA: 17 Hours
Destination: Petropavlovsk, Russia
Weather: COLD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Martin Olsson

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