Back IN Sweden

I am back in Sweden now for 3-4 weeks, have some stuff I need to do at our office here. Went to Exhale and bought a gym card today. The only good thing of beeing here in Sweden is that I have a routine and a 8 - 16 schedule now when I am at the office. So here is my new training schedule for this month when I am back in Sweden.

Will have to change it when I go out traveling again.
Will do Legs 2 times a week as this is my weakest body part.

                     Morning                         Afternoon
Mon             Cardio 45 min             Chest + calves Cardio 30 min
Tus              Cardio 45 min             Legs + abs Cardio 30 min
Wed            Rest                               Shoulders Cardio 30 min
Thu             Cardio 45 min              Arms + absCardio 30 min
Fri                Cardio 45 min             Back Cardio 30 min
Sat               Rest                               Legs
Sun              Rest                              Rest


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